
Design of hydraulic group with hydraulic panel for rotary valve control

For Castelbello hydroelectric power plant

The Castelbello hydroelectric power plant uses water from the Adige River and its tributaries to produce clean energy-our HPU is designed to support all of its operations.

The HPU is designed to support the operations of a hydroelectric power plant, ensuring precise and reliable control of the critical components of the system through the control of the steering blade and the machine valve.
These components are essential for the correct functioning of the hydroelectric power plant, ensuring optimal regulation of the water flow and the safety of the system.

The hydraulic group created is composed as follows:

  • Customized Hydraulic Tank
    Custom designed to guarantee an adequate oil reserve, essential for the continuous operation of the system.
  • Ce-Ped Safety Lock
    A critical component that ensures compliance with European safety regulations, ensuring safe and reliable operation.
  • Unidirectional Flow Regulators with Pressure and Thermal Compensation
    These regulators ensure a constant and precise oil flow, regardless of pressure and temperature variations.
  • Piston accumulator rack assembly with 8 accumulators
    Used to store hydraulic energy and release it when necessary, improving system efficiency.
  • Directional Hydraulic Valves
    Fundamental components for controlling the oil flow, guaranteeing the directionality and precision of the hydraulic system.

The Castelbello hydroelectric power plant

The heart of the plant is Lake Resia, where the waters of the Adige and its tributaries are collected.

The overall catchment basin corresponds to the entire upper Venosta Valley and covers an area of approximately 1,100 km2, of which 82 are covered by glaciers.
The barrier on the Adige is located just downstream from the town of Lasa and consists of a crossbar 34 m long. From here the water is conveyed, through a 17 km long pipe system, to the machine room of the Castelbello plant.

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